About Us


How To is a website where people can find articles on how to/make/know do certain things in very simple steps making life easier. People will learn knowledgeable facts and opinions through different tips and tutorials that will help them in terms of life/self, family, health & care, money and love.


  • To create a user-friendly website full of articles on how to do/make/know things in simple and easy ways.
  • To write articles/posts with high relevance for the benefit of the society. 
  • To spread knowledgeable tips and tutorials about different topics that people are interested in.
  • To bring awareness in the different situations in our life that may be found in the articles/posts. 

About the Author 

The author of this site doesn’t want to reveal a name. She is a she. She is a proud Filipino who created this site to help others as well as her family. She wanted this site to be of help to those who need it. Most of the tips in this site is based on her on personal experiences and she wanted to share them hoping that these tips will aid others who are interested to try them.